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Goals are an important part of life. Without goals we would have no direction and nothing to drive us forward. However, many times we do not stick to our goals, especially when it comes to fitness. There is quote that I love from Steve Smith that goes like this, “The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline.” It’s so true! What is a goal without a deadline? Simply a dream. It’s something you would like to accomplish but you have not set any guidelines as to how you will do it or when it will be done by. It is only a dream. However, if you follow these 5 rules for goal setting you will be much more likely to stick to them and get them accomplished.

1) Pick a realistic goal

                One common mistake that people make when setting goals is they set the bar a little too high. Make your goals realistic and achievable. Use what is known as the SMART principle. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. For example, instead of saying you want to lose weight you should determine how much weight and in what amount of time as well as whether or not that goal is realistic and achievable. A good weight loss goal may be to lose 10 pounds over 2 months. You now have a specific goal that is measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.

2) Write it Down

                Once you have determined what your goal is write it down! Then put it somewhere that you will see it every day in order to keep you motivated. Most people don’t do this which is why they fall off of their programs so easily. They set a goal in their mind but never put it to paper. It’s such a small and easy thing to do that there is no reason not to do it!

3) Have a reason

                Okay, this is important and I will tell you why. If you set out to achieve a certain fitness goal but have no real reason as to why you want to accomplish it chances are you will not follow through with your program. Why? Because there is nothing driving you and motivating you to accomplish these goals. However, if you are working towards a fitness goal with some sort of outside motivation you will be much more likely to stick to your routine. For example, someone who wants to lose weight may be unhappy with their self-image, but if that is the only reason they want to lose weight chances are they won’t follow through. Now, give that person some extra motivation, let’s say a wedding, and they will be much more likely to stick to their routine and follow through with their goals because other people will be looking at them. Motivation is the biggest key in sticking to a goal and making it happen. If you are trying to get fit for the sake of getting fit it doesn’t matter if you don’t see it through to the end. You had no real reason to do it anyways. However, if you are trying to get fit for an event, health reasons, or for some other reason that you can use as motivation you will be much more likely to stick to your routine and accomplish your goal.

4) Make a plan

                Now that you have your goal written down, you’ve put it in a place where you will constantly be reminded of it, and you have a purpose, you need to make a plan of action. How are you going to lose those 10 pounds? How long will it take? How many days will you lift weights and how many days will you do cardio each week, and more specifically, which days will you do each? Will you do long, slow distance cardio or more HIIT? How will your weight routine be structured? These are all important things to think about. If you work out all of the details down to what exercises, sets and reps you will do on which days the rest is easy. All you have to do from that point on is follow your plan!

5) Assess your progress

                This is a big one. How do you know if your program is working if you don’t check your progress every couple of weeks? Obviously the scale isn’t going to lie, but what if your goal is something more than just a number? Maybe you want to achieve a certain body fat percentage or increase sports performance in some way. You need to monitor your progress and give yourself a reassessment once per month. This will let you know if your program is working or not and whether you should change your plan or leave it alone. Just keep in mind that doing the exact same routine for too long will eventually stop producing positive results. Change it up every 4-6 weeks.